Triad offers exclusive discounts on AATBS Exam Prep, Continuing Education courses, and Jobs Marketplace to NASW Members. Select below what best fits your needs.
Use promo code NASW at checkout to get 35% off your entire purchase.
For the pre-licensed professionals in your workforce, Triad offers exam prep solutions for aspiring psychologists, social workers, marriage & family therapists, counselors, and behavior analysts. Available in live online, self-study online, and print formats, the Triad family of brands provides exam prep options that meet all learners' needs and preferences.
Through the AATBS brand, Triad offers continuing education courses for psychologists, social workers, marriage & family therapists, counselors, and behavior analysts. The AATBS CE library includes 600+ unique courses (1300+ unique CEUs), offered both a la carte and as part of our All Access Pass, a monthly or annual subscription to the full CE library.
Triad’s Jobs Marketplace gives you access to a dedicated network of behavioral and mental health professionals. Reach these in-demand candidates through our industry-specific job board, with no additional job posting necessary – all job-seeker traffic directed back to your open roles, wherever they exist on the web.
Powered by Triad, the LinkedIn for behavioral and mental health professionals, Jobs Marketplace exposes your jobs not just to job seekers, but also to “job havers” – candidates who may not be actively looking for a job today, but who may be interested in yours. Find better candidates faster through Triad’s Jobs Marketplace.
Triad is the leading provider of education, community, and career resources for behavioral and mental health professionals, organizations, and institutions. Across our six brands, our products and services provide our customers the resources they need, when they need them.
About NASW
Founded in 1955, the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is the largest membership organization of professional social workers in the world. NASW works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
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